Around 93% of online experiences start with one thing; a search engine. Search engines are there to assist us in finding what we need, as quickly as possible. Google, the most popular, owns between 65-70% of the share of search engine markets. But in order to provide users with the most accurate results for whatever it is they are searching for, another, far lesser known service, must be used.
This is where a service known as search engine optimization comes in. Search engine optimization, of SEO for short, is responsible for digital marketing, providing clearer and faster results for a specific topic searched on a web browser. This service is especially useful when dealing with local search SEO.
Local search SEO helps small businesses get more traffic on their webpages, by making their page easier to come by in search results. This is rather difficult to do, since three-quarters of internet uses do not scroll past the first page of online search results. Thus, it’s important for the SEO company to do everything they can to get the local business on page one. The benefits of SEO exist in creating articles and blog posts which guide search engines towards the small business’ page, thus giving the user answers they want and increasing business for the owner. An SEO firm makes it their number one priority to provide small businesses a chance to get their name out there. The businesses increase visibility with SEO on their webpages, which allows their business to grow much quicker and much bigger than relying on word of mouth alone.
Pages views of local pages in the United States per average week range somewhere in the 645 million views. SEO’s use a search engine optimization strategy so ensure their clients business does not become lost behind unneeded ads or incorrect results. The use of search engine optimization services is an exceedingly more beneficial marketing plan than spending time on paid advertisements. It has been recorded that anywhere between 70 to 80% of internet users ignore the paid ads and instead focus on more organic search results. Nowadays, people are becoming much wiser and more upfront about what they want. They desire results, not flashing ads promising the best deals. With 34% of marketers calling it “very effective”, SEO has consistently been ranked at the most effective lead generation tactic. Local search SEO is a great help to get small businesses off of the ground and make them stand above the competition.