Why is WordPress Considered the Best Content Management System?

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Did you know, according to Visual.ly, WordPress is the most popular content management system in the world, owning 50.7% of CMS market share? With 75 million WordPress sites out there, and more being built everyday, it should be no surprise to hear that WordPress is the best content management system.

Who Uses WordPress?
A huge number of WordPress users maintain a personal blog or professional website. However, it isn’t just private individuals who take advantage of the world’s best content management system. Many of the most successful companies on the planet rely on WordPress developers and WordPress hosting to maintain a reliable, well-designed website. As written on WordPress.com, The New York Times, Katy Perry, Mashable, and TechCrunch all rely on their WordPress sites to promote their brands and sell their products.

What Makes WordPress the Most Popular CMS Software?

  1. Semi-Automated, Built-in SEO Features
  2. With over 93% of all online experiences beginning with a search engine, according to Search Engine Journal, finding ways to optimize your website for Google and other popular search engines is crucial to having your page found. As Business2Community writes, WordPress comes with keyword-assist tools and SEO optimization options out of the box. With tools that check to make sure your SEO methods aren’t going to risk the wrath of Google, WordPress undoubtedly earns the title of best content management systems for its web marketing functionality.

  3. WordPress Widgets Make Custom Functionality Easy
  4. A huge development community has grown around the WordPress CMS. According to About.com, more than 10,000 WordPress widgets or plug-ins have been developed to add custom functionality to WP pages. These plug-ins do everything from adding easy photo formatting to allowing you to stream music on your page for your visitors. In other words, WordPress gives businesses the chance to make their websites whatever they need to be.

  5. WordPress is Built for Laymen and Professional WordPress Developers
  6. If anything earns WordPress the title of best content management system, it must be the design of the CMS. WordPress, Yahoo! Small Business News suggests, was designed with the purpose of making website development and design easy for whomever is using it. Laymen web designers can create a basic, functional website without any prior design experience. However, WordPress truly shines in the hands of professional developers. By giving users complete control over every facet of design, all other CMS pale in comparison to the usability, functionality, and power of WordPress.

If you’re looking to build a great website, whether it’s to share your thoughts or to promote your business, you need to use WordPress. If you can’t do so for yourself, contract professional WordPress developers. Doing so, you can propel your business toward success in the Internet Age.

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