What can IT consulting do for your business? Just about everything necessary to make sure it’s safe year-round.
You can’t afford to leave your brand at the mercy of chance. Not when new viruses are created every day, software is updated on a rolling basis and you hold hundreds of customers’ and employees’ information in your hands. That’s even before we get into the digital marketing portion, which seems to become more infuriating by the minute. Should you sign up for an SEO package? How about starting up a blog to generate more leads?
Let’s take a closer look at what IT solutions can offer your business.
SEO And Lead Generation
Any business worth its salt needs to keep up with the changing times and update its marketing strategy. SEO leads have an impressive 14% close rate, with outbound leads like direct mail and print advertising only managing a barebones 2% at the best of times. So far the biggest challenge B2B marketers face when it comes to lead generation is creating high-quality leads, that of which can be better supported with technology companies armed with the latest tools.
Blogging And Social Media
SEO is a good place to start…but what about blogging and social media? It seems every business these days has not just a solid website, but a Twitter, Instagram or Facebook. Blogging has been found to increase web traffic for over 50% of brands, with B2B companies that blog generating up to 65% more leads than those without blogs. Managing a blog isn’t as easy as it may appear, requiring constant research, editing and writing to stay relevant, and is done even better with the aid of SEO and a strong marketing campaign.
Network Security And Prevention
Now for superior safety measures. Network security is incredibly important not just for your investment, but the security of your workers and the confidence of your customers. A whopping 45% of all data losses were due to end-users deleting information, with another 15% being users who overwrote data. When you factor in another 15% of hackers seeking out information to exploit and you have quite a lot to consider when keeping your business afloat. It’s estimated 20% of all small businesses will be hacked within a year. Are you next?
Remote Work And Flexibility
Today’s working world will look quite a bit different in just a few years. That’s because more and more people are preferring to work from home or on-the-go, meaning you can’t afford to overlook the growing field of freelancers if you want to stay successful. It’s estimated two out of three large companies in the United States permit occasional telecommuting, which is double the number from 2005. Small company workers participating in a recent survey indicated over 60% offered employees the opportunity to work remotely.
Managed IT Services And Your Business
When it comes to everyday safety and security, IT support has you covered. Digital marketing is only growing faster by the day, coupled with new and impressive ways to hack into a business, and you need to keep an ear to the ground constantly. This is much easier with the aid of a helping hand, that of which can be found when you reach out to technology companies in your area. They can provide you a simple consultation, looking over the weak points in your foundation, or various packages to accommodate your goals for the future.
From helping remote employees to installing superior network security, an IT outsourcing service will ensure you’re never missing a beat.