Many Americans are familiar with the concept of blueprints, and in fact “blueprints” has become a general term in everyday use. Used non-literally, blueprints can describe the plan or idea of something before it is done or made, but speaking literally, paper for blueprints is a mundane but useful material for work. Engineers and construction workers greatly appreciate paper for blueprints and bond paper rolls, and wholesale purchases of paper for blueprints and engineering paper are common today. Many construction firms, engineers, factories, and more may make regular orders for paper for blueprints and similar materials, and this allows them to create designs for machines, buildings, and more with ease. Even in today’s digital world, where the Internet and CGI and e-mail are common, paper has not become obsolete. In many contexts, paper may in fact be more convenient since it doesn’t need a computer to be viewed. This certainly includes paper for blueprints.
On Paper
Blueprints are a particular breed of paper, but they fit snugly into the broad paper industry as a whole. As mentioned above, despite competition such as e-mail and the Internet, paper still has its place in business and is widely used for blueprints, memos, financial reports, presentations, and more. Paper is useful since it can be viewed and passed around without requiring a computer of any kind, and its tangible nature makes its contents easier to remember. Studies have shown that mail-order customers more easily remember to view mail and recall its contents when they’re dealing with paper mail instead of e-mail. Paper mail is not only visual, but it also appeals to the human senses of touch and even smell, which makes it easier for the brain to latch onto. This makes for a huge industry for paper for a wide variety of roles, and a lot of paper is bought and sold wholesale from business to business. Many modern offices need ordinary sheets of paper for memos, finance reports, plans, and more. And of course, printing firms for newspapers, magazines, and books need a lot of paper.
An ordinary office may need specialized paper documents printed, or a vast quantity of documents made. In-house talent typically can’t handle that, so as printing firm will be hired to handle this work. A printing firm is home to many printers and a lot of paper, some of which is specialized. There, a printing firm may create large, glossy and colorful posters for its clients, or print off thousands of colorful brochures or flyers. This, in turn, means that printing firms may regularly call upon such services as buying paper wholesale and printer repair or replacement services.
Blueprints aren’t being left out of this. A sheet of blueprints may be fairly large, and this paper in fact is not always blue. This paper is coated with chemicals that turn blue when exposed to sunlight. Indoors, blueprints may be white, and they turn blue when unrolled and viewed at a construction site, for example. In particular, blueprint paper is designed so that users may easily make copies of its contents, and share these copies with interested parties. In this way, blueprint paper could also be called “easy copy paper” so that schematics for buildings or machines can be shared during a project. This is no accident.
Blueprint paper and plotter papers may be purchased in rolls that have pre-set and labeled sizes, measured in inches. Plotted paper rolls, for example, always have their width measures in inches for the buyer’s convenience. Typical roll measurements for wide-format plotters may ranges from 11 or 17 inches all the way to 36 or even 42 inches, and a number of sizes in between, too. Someone buying paper wholesale may determine which sizes of paper they need for plotting work, and use that reference to order paper online from wholesalers. Something similar might be done for blueprints and other industrial papers, too.