If you run your own small business, you know how important web design can be to establishing your professional reputation and attracting new customers to your company. And while a solid aesthetic is important in helping prospective clients feel comfortable about your enterprise, in and of itself it is not what drives people to become your customers, as any quality website design and development company will tell you.
Your site will likely yield the best results when you work with a custom website design company that can help to structure the content in such a way that new visitors are engaged and compelled to seek more information, find out about special promotions, purchase your products.
But it is no longer enough to merely have professional web design. Mobile optimized websites are part of a growing trend that more and more consumers prefer, as the following statistics clearly indicate. Nearly 50% of online users take issue with websites that have not been properly customized to cater to mobile users. In fact, Google reports that 67% of web users are more apt to make purchases from businesses that have quality mobile web design. A full 74% of people who actively use mobile devices say they make a point to visit websites again after discovering that they are optimized for mobile designs.
This kind of mobile optimization has a lot to do with ensuring that navigation through the site is easy while using a tablet or smartphone. The content should also be readily accessible on the screen without having to scroll down unnecessarily. “Responsive design,” in which the site is made to automatically fit within the screen dimensions of the particular device, is a critical part of mobile web design.
Increasingly, users of mobile devices like to access special deals and coupons from the companies they prefer. And by the year 2015, it’s expected that $119 billion will be spent by companies looking to boost their mobile commerce. With this in mind, it makes sense to collaborate now with a website design and development company with an eye toward innovation.
If you have questions, comments, or tips regarding cutting edge web design, feel free to share them in the section below. For more about this, go here: Calgary website designer