We all know that the culture we live in is very centered around devices and technology, but now we’re seeing that the older generation is catching up to it. Though they may not be keen on some of the technologies we use, senior citizens are starting to use cell phones. In 2012, more than 55% of people over the age of 76 reported having a cell phone. They might not be Snapchatting, tweeting, or sending emails, but cell phones for the elderly are definitely becoming more of a trend.
One reason for the increase of cell phones for the elderly is probably largely due to safety concerns. About 75% of people who have cell phones have used them to get help in an emergency, and elderly people can benefit from having a cell phone within arms reach to call for help should they need it. Almost 50% of all injuries suffered by the elderly happen in the home. The majority of these are falls, which are responsible for most of the fatal and non fatal injuries suffered by the elderly; more than one third of people over the age of 65 fall per year. If an elderly person falls at home a cell phone by their side is a good insurance that they will be able to call for help.
There are easy to use phones for seniors, but smart phones can serve more of a purpose than just a call for help. These days, the devices can monitor your health by tracking both pulse and blood pressure, as well as calorie counting. Additionally, for the forgetful or wandering senior citizen, most smart phones are equipped with a GPS to track their whereabouts. Though they may not be the easiest cell phone for seniors, smart phones do offer worthwhile benefits.
Besides being there for safety concerns, cell phones for elderly people also mean that they can keep in better contact with their families. Almost 80% of teenagers have cell phones, and cell phones for the elderly provide them another way to keep in touch with their grandkids. Senior citizens might not be up to using a phone for Facebook or checking stocks, but cell phones for the elderly can help keep mom and dad or grandma and grandpa more safe and better connected.