If you don’t know by now, search engine optimization (SEO) is quickly becoming the most important marketing tactic of businesses around the world. There are over 100 billion global searched conducted every single month, and being at the very top of search rankings will go a long way in driving valuable traffic to your website.
Through a combination of SEO and other web-based services, a great SEO company can increase the exposure of your website while optimizing its functionality to convert these new clicks to sales. You need to find local SEO services that understand the market you’re in and can formulate a strategy to exceed the performance of your competition. Here are just a few of the ways that an experienced SEO company can improve your business in ways you never imagined:
Search engine optimization. SEO is the practice of creating original content that improves your website’s natural ranking on popular search engines like Google and Bing. When a consumer searches for keywords relative to your products and/or services, you should be the first link in the organic results, which are directly below the sponsored results. About 70% of all links clicked on are listed in the organic rankings, and 75% of search engine users never click past the first page. You need to ensure that you’re the first in these organic rankings to drive as much traffic to your website as possible.
Mobile-friendly website. More and more people are using their smartphone for just about everything, and performing local searches is no exception. About half of all mobile searches are conducted in hopes of finding local results, and a whopping 61% of these result in a purchase. Consumers are more than willing to spend money if they’re given easy access to a company, and being the first link they’re exposed to is usually all it takes to gain a valued customer.
Web design. Once you get new customers to your website through SEO, you need to keep them there. An SEO company is crucial in customer retention, which is achieved by optimizing the user interface of your website. The best SEO companies can also create a custom logo and design for your website that customers will never forget. By combining these techniques, your website will be pleasing to the eye and allow consumers to find the information they’re looking for without long load times or dead links.
These are just three of the many ways that a great SEO company can truly transform your entire business. Find local SEO services in your area and experience the immediate impact it will have on your reputation and revenue stream.