While businesses operate in different industries using varying models, most have embraced the cloud services to improve operating efficiency. Currently, approximately 59% of the large corporations uses cloud storage to enhance integration in the operations and development, while a similar percentage of the businesses relies on the cloud to share information across varying applications. Concerning the International Data Corporation, public cloud spending is likely to increase from $40 billion in 2012 to about $100 billion in 2016.
When it comes to hiring cloud services, cloud brokerage services form the link between the client and the service providers. Cloud communications may be complex to many businesses and states, however, hiring cloud consultants gives an upper hand in determining the type of integration required for the company. Before hiring cloud services brokers, enterprises need to consider the following:
Reliable cloud brokerage services
Despite the rising concerns over high costs of doing business, organizations need to go beyond the cost factor when hiring a reliable cloud services broker. It?s vital to conduct a thorough background research on the contractor to validate of the information offered on the website. According to research conducted among the users, a whopping 47% considered reliability when hiring service providers, with 28% and 27% inclining to cost and system flexibility respectively.
Expected output
There is a reason nearly 48% of the large enterprises have put plans to incorporate cloud systems and services in foreseeable future. Adopting the system comes with projected benefits that the service provider should manifest in the initial phase. As for the federal government, adopting the cloud computing strategies is likely to reduce the data center infrastructure costs by around 30%. It also gives the users the flexibility to access the services from wherever they need and at any time.
Expertise and industry experience
The success of each organization relies on people that drives the mission and the objectives. For this reason, the company has invested in highly skilled workforce that works with the client to provide a customized cloud brokerage services. Having been in operation since 2005, we understand the dynamics that impacts on the operational efficiency, and hence able to devise long-term strategies to optimize your results.