Battery failure seems like it can strike at any time. Whether you’re driving down the open road to a concert, repairing necessary equipment for a small business or rely on your phone to get you through the busy work week, quality energy storage batteries are essential in keeping our day-to-day lives running efficiently. More and more companies are pushing forth recyclable policies that ensure batteries thrown out are re-used in an attempt to reduce costs, increase efficiency and combat the impact industries have on the environment at large. Rechargeable batteries, battery maintenance and your everyday energy storage battieries will be discussed at length below so you can learn how to get the most bang for you buck.
Batteries Around The World
The world demand for batteries only continues to increase, with the forecast for next year being an approximated $132 billion. The world battery industry is thought to be worth almost $90 billion and lead-acid battery sales account for almost half of the value of batteries sold around the world. Rechargeable batteries account for over $5 billion of the global market and are a popular option for those on a budget. With figures like this, it’s not hard to see why so much effort is put into finding new energy storage systems. Quality stationary batteries and installations ensure a more loyal customer base and less potential work for installers and manufacturers.
The Key To Energy Efficient Systems
Recycling is one of the most efficient and easy ways of saving money and the environment, as well as giving people more readily affordable options of keeping their equipment running. The newest lead-acid batteries contain anywhere from 60% to 80% of recycled lead and plastic and it’s estimated that a whopping 98% of all battery lead is now recycled. At a recent conference a U.S. Army general said that half of all batteries discarded were found to have half of their battery life still remaining. That’s a lot to potentially go to waste! Energy storage battieries have become more efficient than ever, with recycling and new technology paving the way for a brighter future.