When was the last time you replaced the lighting in your home or business?
If you can’t remember — or if you’ve been using the same lighting since you purchased your home or business — it might be time to evaluate whether the lifespan of your current bulbs is over. A working bulb isn’t necessarily a high-functioning one, after all.
So whether you’re a homeowner who’s considering a new lighting solution or you’re thinking of upgrading your business’ lighting, here’s a number of ways to tell if it’s time to replace your current incandescent lights — or if you should wait a while:
LED bulbs will slash your electricity costs
One of the most instant benefits of replacing incandescent lighting is the reduced energy costs. While incandescent lights release an astonishing 90% of their energy as heat, LED lighting uses far less energy and wastes barely any heat — which translates to a reduction in your monthly utility bill. This is especially true for business lighting solutions, since businesses require significantly more lighting than the average residential dwelling. By switching to LED, your business could cut its energy costs by as much as 50%, according to Department of Energy estimates.
LED lighting is better for the environment
Because they use anywhere from 25 to 80% less energy than traditional incandescent lighting, LED lighting solutions have long been viewed as the more environmentally friendly option for lighting your home or business, since reduced energy usage equals fewer carbon emissions. What’s more, LED lights don’t contain any toxic materials and are recyclable, meaning you’ll be reducing your impact on the landfill as well as on the climate.
LED lighting is higher quality
Have you ever wondered why you struggle to see within your home as soon as the sun goes down? Chances are, if you’re still using incandescent lighting, that may be the problem. Incandescent lights are notorious for not shedding much light, and you might be unknowingly causing extra strain on your eyes at night as a result. If you’re looking for stronger lighting power in each lightbulb, it might be time to switch to LED lights. But if the lower light doesn’t bother you — or even if you enjoy the atmosphere it provides — you might be happier with your current incandescent lights.
While it may be tempting to wait to replace your lightbulbs until they’ve completely burned out, studies and statistics show that replacing old bulbs with new lighting solutions can reap significant benefits — and even pay themselves off. So why wait?