You have a tech-based small business, and you’re looking for ways to innovate and increase your profits while decreasing the cost of ownership. Innovation can often be the key difference between a business failing — as 44% do by their third year — and a business successfully moving forward and growing.
Much of the advice you may have received on how to grow your business could be outdated. Here are three tips worth keeping in mind.
1. Having a Great Website
Why does website design matter? Website is the salesperson that speaks to your clients during the entire purchase process. It can be the reason someone feels that your site is trustworthy and your product is valuable, rather than feeling like you’re running a scam and might never deliver on what you promise. Consider this: a study released by Harvard University found that “users make lasting judgements about a website’s appeal within a split second of seeing it for the first time,” and that this initial impression was influential enough that it could “later affect their opinions of a site’s usability and trustworthiness.”
2. Adopting Cloud Computing Solutions
By the end of 2014, U.S. businesses will have spend over $13 billion on cloud hosting services. Why should your company be using cloud? Cloud solutions allow companies to access software and hardware for a lower cost, and enable a more flexible approach to technology. Expensive upgrades are not required when the server is remotely hosted and more room for data or software can easily be added. Cloud technology also allows employees to work from multiple devices.
3. How Can Mobile Help You Out?
The mobile market is continually growing, and many industry analysts are predicting that soon, people will be more likely to access the internet from a mobile device than from a computer. Americans currently spend about two hours every day on their devices. If your website, and information and access to your products and services, isn’t easily available to mobile users, you’re setting yourself up to land hard on the ground once mobile conversion continues to pick up speed.
Are you interested in finding out how mobile, cloud hosting, and better website design could help your company grow? Let us know in the comments. Learn more at this link.