Powerpoint designs are powerful advertising and marketing tools for anyone from a college student presenting to their class to a business executive securing an important deal. But no presentation will be successful with less than stellar graphics and with a lackluster design of powerpoint presentation slides. So here are some business presentation designs that will make your hard work stand out and be noticed!
1. Use a unique theme
Do not use a built in background theme that comes with your program as the audience members are all too familiar with them. Instead, go for more of a unique touch and invest in one you are sure your viewers will never have seen before! Plus your coworkers will be able to tell that you didn’t put much thought or effort into a presentation if it looks standard, so use this method to blow them away!
2. Stay away from poor quality photography
Do not feel that you have to invest all your time and energy to putting numerous low quality photos on each powerpoint display. This will not only make your presentation look juvenile, but it will look outdated and not impressive. You want to be creative with your photography, and choose relevant pictures. No photos are sometimes better than bad photos, and professional powerpoint graphics will speak volumes.
3. Plain packs a punch
Your powerpoint presentation slide design does not have to be complex, as plain color schemes pack quite a punch. Just choose a few neutral colors and one complimentary color, and you will soon have a streamlined effect. Make sure only to write in dark colors or white, do not mix up with pinks, light greens, yellows, and other pastels. These colors can be hard to read from far away, and you need to keep larger audiences in mind if necessary.
4. Keep the text to a minimum
Stay with a bullet point theme because anything more than that can look cluttered and confusing. You will want to hold your audience’s attention, not have to fight to keep them engaged if your writing is too long. The goal should be to have quick remarks that will serve as topic headers, and then you fill in the rest.
With these steps in mind, powerpoint graphic design does not have to be hard. So follow these rules and your next business presentation design will impress everyone you show it to!